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There are forty three (43) kata in Uechi-Go-Ryu

As Uechi-Go-Ryu is a fusion of 3 traditional karate styles, the kata originate from these root styles (Uechi Ryu, GojuRyu and Shorinji Kempo). In addition there are 2 kata developed by founder and chief instructor Kyoshi (Master), Valentino Cox.  These final 2 "masters'  kata" are learned at 4th and 5th degree black belt and are the pure essence of our synthesis.

The forty three (43) Kata are;

Photo From Shisochin Kata

Beginner to Intermediate Kata are:

From White Belt to Purple Belt


  • Taikyoku Kata 1,2, 3

  • Heian Shodan

  • Sanchin - Uechi 

  • Heian Nidan

  • Gekisai 1 & 2

  • Kanshiwa

  • Sanchin - Go

  • Tenshoa 

  • Heian Sandan

This move is from Seiunchin Kata

Intermediate to Advance Kata are:

From 3rd Kyu Brown to 1st Dan (Black Belt)


  • Empi-Ha 

  • Dai Ni Seisan (Kanshu)

  • Heian Yondan

  • Surinja 

  • Seichin

  • Heian Godan

  • Saifa 

  • Seiunchin

  • Nahanchi (Tekki)


Photo From Sanseiru Kata

1st - 3rd Dan (Black Belt) Kata are:


  • Seisan - Uechi 

  • Wan Kuan

  • Wansu

  • Unshu

  • Chinto

  • Wanduan

  • Gojushiho

  • Annanko

  • Passai Dai

  • Rohai

  • Kusanko

  • Sanseiru 

  • Hakkucho  

  • Shisochin 

  • Seirui 

  • Seipai 

  • Seisan- Go 

  • Kururunfa 

  • Suparenpi 

These Kata are the representation of Uechi-Go-Ryu Karate

Shihan (Master) Kata;

From 4th Dan to 10th Dan


  • Jugoo 

  • Hakutsuru 

  • ​Gaikai D.C. 

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